Naples Daily News Announces: Amanda Jaron to Chair Inaugural Wearable Arts Fashion Show. Amanda coins name, "Scene to be Seen"
Scene to Be Seen -Amanda Jaron to Chair Inaugural Wearable Arts Fashion Show. Amanda coins name, "Scene to be Seen" and lays framework for epic 1st year event.
Jewelry designer Amanda Jaron is pushing for outre, and others pulling for wearability. Between the two forces, the Naples Art Association "Scene to be Seen" runway show Nov. 2 should be one lively take on fashion.
"That's the challenge here. Me coming from New York, I want to see something on the runway I'll never wear," said Jaron, who is chair for this show, the first of its kind for the Naples Art Association. "So there will be a very nice cross section of things that are very wearable, and very fantastic."
Jaron has enlisted talent from around the world, from Los Angeles to Italy, but emphasized Southwest Florida talent such as Floromancy's Katie Vance, Loki Designz, Jacqueline Boucher Morelisse, Michelle Lee Fawcett, Alanna Jaron and more.
Look for organic materials, from feathers to paper, and unusual "fabrics."
"We're pulling in not only local people and national people, but people who may not have been exposed to the center before," Jaron said. She hopes that the event not only does well for the student art scholarships that benefit from it, but that Naples Art Association gets a boost in awareness from both consumer and artist side.
Jaron is excited about bringing the work of local artists like Jack Malloy, aka Elvis Swift, to the booths of its sales gallery, which offers wearable art and the chance to commission it in handbags, jewelry, clothing and jewelry.
"We've got to bring home the fact that art isn't just on the wall. ... The print on a $10 shirt is art."

A Kay Vance floral work for Scene to Be Seen (Photo: Submitted photo)
What: "Scene to Be Seen" Runway Art Show
When: 6:30-10:30 p.m. Nov. 2
Where: Volvo Cars of Naples, 5870 Naples Blvd, Naples
Admission: $75, $150 for 50 limited VIP admissions, with red carpet entry, heavy hors d'oeuvres and a swag bag with gifts from participating sponsors
Information: 239-262-6517
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