Crystal Clear Persuasion
It’s all crystal clear.
Transparent stones such as lucite, crystal quartz or white topaz, match perfectly with every outfit and can also blend with a variety of other jewelry pieces. This, along with the belief that crystals have mystical and healing properties, along with the 70’s fashion resurge are probably why we witnessed crystals and crystal clear jewelry all through the 2015 runway season.
Wearing a crystal quartz pendant necklace makes the viewer question if the pendant is actually present or if it is floating on air. I love the futuristic and outer-space element of see-through jewelry pieces for this reason alone. Sexy sheerness and transparency, with a hint of glistening sparkle; the perfect accessory for any outfit. Another favorite style is a wrapped clear or semi-clear stone, wrapped in vine-like fashion (see the Lush Teardrop quartz wrapped ring image below).
The word “Crystal” comes from the Greek word: “Krystallos” which means ice.Quartz Crystal is considered by mystics to bring the wearer power, energy and clarity and has been used to create crystal balls which are supposedly used to see into the future.
I’m certainly not a clairvoyant, but I can see that the immediate future of jewelry trends for 2015 holds stunning pieces of crystal quartz to update your jewelry wardrobe.

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